The Make It Work Project

MAKE IT WORK project aims to develop project results – tools and training materials – designed to provide access to employment regulations in an inclusive and accessible way for d/Deaf young job seekers. The results will be able to be used to access employment information in sign language and accessible written form by d/Deaf.

Our primary cause

Our main incentive is to implement activities which may faciliate D/deaf people to participate equally in educational, social and professional life in their communities. The equal and universal access to job opportunities can provide self-confidence and encouragement to take advantages of opportunities to improve social and job skills.

Our project aims to faciliate Deaf youth to overcome barriers in accessing opportunities

Lack of specialized information

E.x. communication support options at college or support available in job search

Lack of awareness of complete range of options

It’s usual that teachers and careers advisers to be the only options d/Deaf young people for employment

Low expectations

Professionals and parents have been found to rule out career choices and direct d/Deaf young people to more ‘suitable’ courses in which they believe the young person has the best chance of qualification.

Lack quality bilingual education

Without quality bilingual education (in sign language and written language), d/Deaf young are at an extreme disadvantage in school, and later in employment.

Lack of opportunities

Lack of opportunities, particularly regarding
employment, can be source of psychological, social, emotional and economic difficulties, which may result in social exclusion
and depression.


Set of tools

Developing a set of tools helping and guiding young d/Deaf job seekers in the process of entering the labour market (translated into their languages).


Giving young d/Deaf job seeker information about how to define what skills and competencies they already have and about how and where they can improve them.

Informed decisions

Giving young d/Deaf job seeker information about which skills and competencies are mostly required at the labour market.


Giving tools and instructions to youth worker about how to empower young d/Deaf job seeker and support them on their professional inclusion.


Encouraging career counsellors to reach Deaf young people and help them to enter the labour market effectively.